Day trip to Split

Explore UNESCO heritage Split in a day. Only an hour from Šibenik!

Day trip to Split

89 km from Šibenik.

Split (south of Šibenik) – Croatia’s bustling second largest city holds one of the best examples of Roman architecture, the UNESCO-listed Diocletian’s  Palace. This living monument is alive with shops, cafes, restaurants and a social vibe.

The Peristil with its Roman columns and 15th century Egyptian sphinx is a standout landmark. The 5th century Cathedral of St Dominus, on the site of Diocletian’s 4th century mausoleum, features the Temple of Jupiter. Rub the big toe of the Ivan Meštrovic statue of Grgur Ninksi, the father of the Croatian language.

Other noteworthy quick highlights include the Archeological Museum, Meštrović museum, Marjan Hill walking path, Republic Square, the old fish and green markets and the Split riviera.


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