Zagreb’s Upper Town – Gradec

Best known for its medieval origins, the focal point for Gradec, or Upper Town, is St Mark's Square & Church.

Zagreb’s Upper Town – Gradec

This historic, hilltop district of central Zagreb hosts one of the highest concentrations of historic and cultural treasures, beginning with Gradec (Gornji Grad – Upper Town), the medieval town nucleus where the Sabor (Croatian Parliament), Croatian Government Office, St Mark’s Church and St Mark’s Square are located.

Here, each weekend from April to October (weather permitting), Zagreb’s Cravat Regiment Guard perform a changing of the guard ceremony.

On the south side, the square connects to the Lower Town boundary of Strossmayer promenade – a venue for art installations and festivals – also the site of Lotrščak Tower, with the Grič cannon firing each day at noon (since 1877).

Running beneath Strossmayer is the Grič tunnel – a former WWII tunnel turned pedestrian walkway, used for interactive pop-up exhibitions on occasion.

The 13th century Kamenita Vrata (stone gate) – the only one surviving of four – connects Kaptol to the east of St Mark’s Square.

More Things to Do in Zagreb

Zagreb’s Upper Town – Kaptol
Zagreb Funicular (Lower Town)
Zagreb Cathedral – Croatia’s Tallest Building