EDUKIDO in Amadria Park hotels

EDUKIDO in Amadria Park hotels

Workshops with LEGO® bricks and unique educational programs every Thursday and Saturday from 10:30 to 12:30 until the end of summer for children from 3 to 12 years old.

At Edukid, we value knowledge, offer interesting content, learn new skills, and encourage critical thinking. The most important thing for us is the fun and joy that comes from it.

Playing is the best stimulus for learning

Through play, children abandon the stereotypical approach to learning. We want to stimulate their curiosity and show them that acquiring new knowledge can be exciting and that learning can be done in different ways – not only from books.

Creativity and logic go hand in hand

We know that logic and creativity cannot exist without each other, and we at Edukido continue them we use so that children can fully release their potential and use their dormant skills. Playing with leggings combined with children’s natural curiosity leads to an explosion of creativity and rapid development of talents. And all this in a good atmosphere and with a lot of fun.